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File Bond Claims and Get the Money You're Owed

Don’t get frustrated when you don’t get paid for construction work, and don’t accept less money than you’re owed. File a bond claim online today and level the playing field with our professional bond claims services.

File Your Claim

Manage Your Claim With Ease Through Our Platform

Our platform allows you to easily share documents and communicate with the bonding company directly and privately about your construction surety bond claims.

  • Document Center: Upload and share claim specific documents in one central location.
  • Communication: Exchange official communications directly with the bonding company regarding your claim against the bond.
  • Collaborators: Invite the team! You can collaborate with team members to help pursue your bond claim.

Resolve Your Bond Claim and Get Your Payment

Managing your surety bond request through our interactive platform means the only thing left to do is collect your money! You can exchange lien waivers, releases, and all required construction bond claim settlement documents through our platform.

  • Lien Waivers and Releases: Access a growing library of customizable documents proven to help you get paid for your claim against the payment bond on a construction project.
  • Payment Platform: Receive timely settlement payments and stay up to date on the status of your money.

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